Wednesday, March 9, 2011

why need to breastfeed?

Nature has its way of dictating what is best for you and your baby. When it comes to providing your baby with the right nutrition, breastfeeding is still best way to go.

With all the milk formulas in the market today, mothers are searching high and low for the one that is perfect for their babies. However, no milk formula could ever come close to giving babies the proper nourishment they need. Milk formulas only come in second to breastfeeding and should not be seen as an alternative to a mother’s milk, but as a supplement only.

The benefits of breastfeeding go beyond than simply filling a baby’s stomach. Aside from its nutritional value, breast milk is known to have its effects on a mother’s and baby’s well being.

For the baby
  1. Protects your baby from illnesses and allergies – Hospital confinements, doctor’s fee and immunizations all cost a lot of money. These may all be prevented if your baby has a strong immune system. And where else could he get the immunity other than his mother’s milk?
  2. Lowers a baby’s tendency to be obese – Breast milk contains all the necessary components that lessen the chances of becoming obese among breastfed babies. For one, breast milk has less insulin than milk formulas. It also helps in the control of appetite and fat through a hormone called leptin.
  3. Boosts child’s intelligence – Fatty acids in breast milk are responsible for baby’s brainpower. Various researches show that babies who are breastfed are more likely to have an increased cognitive development compared to infants who are immediately introduced to milk formulas.
For the mother

  1. Lessens the chances of having postpartum depression – Breastfeeding mothers are less likely to experience postpartum depression, according to studies. Breastfeeding releases a hormone called oxytocin, also dubbed the “cuddle chemical”, which makes nursing mothers feel more relaxed and nurturing.
  2. Helps mothers regain pre-pregnancy shape – Nursing mothers can burn up to 500 calories a day through breastfeeding. In addition, the uterus contracts faster when a mother breastfeed.
  3. Reduces the risk of ovarian and breast cancer – Lactation holds back the production of estrogen. This is linked to the reduction of ovarian cancer among women.
Breastfeeding is a way for mothers to show their nurturing nature. No matter how good milk formula for babies claims to be, there is still no substitute for a mother’s milk. Breastfeeding is, and will always be, good for babies.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010




letak aiskerim atas roti yg dah lembab

tekankan dengan acuan telur kuat2

jeng2 dah jadi bulat kan ...

masuk dlm plastik simpan dlm freezer satu mlm

goreng atas minyak yg betol2 panas

dah goreng

dalam piring

curahkan susu cair ideal

dah kena belah tu...

aiskerim tetap sejuk kat dalam tu...


Dulu pernah makan ais kerim goreng nie dipantai batu buruk kat Kuala Terengganu rasanya , selepas tu tercari2 lee kat KL pulak ada lee jumpa tapi harganya sembelih leher lak tu.... Dalam hati kata nie hissssssss tak boleh jadi nie anak2 suka makan kena jugak lee cuba cari resepinya so buat lee kajian kat internet so jumpa lee mcm2 version lee byk lee cara lee tengok semua leceh lee biasa lee mesti nak cari resepi yang sempoi ajee bab nak celup mencelup nie "vitamin M" tu begitu kuat sekali .

So akhirnya buat experminen sendiri lee...
lagi sempoiiiiiii tak payah nak celup mencelup pun..

Ok cara buat aiskerim goreng version sempoiii

aiskerim tak kira lee aper jenis or perisa
roti sandwich -tak kira brand aper janji roti lee

basahkan sedikit roti dengan air biasa supaya lembab
supaya masa menekan dengan acuan roti tak pecah
acuan telur (mcm dlm gambar ya

caranya :

1. scop aiskerim letak atas sekeping roti
2. ambil lagi satu roti kosong tangkup atas aiskerim tadi
3. tekankan acuan telur atas kedua2 roti tadi - kuat2 sampai roti putus jadi bulat
4. masukkan dlm plastis dan simpan dlm petiais bahagian atas semalaman or 3 jam
5. panaskan kuali letak minyak mcm nak goreng pisang tu...
6.minyak kena betol2 panas - baru gorengkan roti tadi
7. balik2kan supaya kuning kedua2 belah
8. angkat dan hidangkan bersama2 dengan susu cair kalau suka - kalau tak makan cam tu ok jugak terlupang lee nak makan mcm ya

Note : air kerim yang digunakan diatas adalah ais kerim potong tau (yang ada kayu kat tengah buangkan kayunya ajee ) biasa lee nak buat experimen kena guna aiskerim yang murah2 ajee (JANGAN RISAU AISKERIM TU AKAN CA
IR TAPI KENA GORENG CEPAT NGAN API YANG PANAS2 BETOL ) dan lebihan roti tu jgn membazir lak leh wat pudding roti tau letak cheese ya .Selamat bersantai dihujung minggu sambil makan aiskerim goreng

aiskerim goreng dengan susu cair